Core gameplay changes

We're always looking to improve Tuggowar, and sometimes changes reach into the core of the game. 

The fun of Tuggowar is in adding cards to your deck and getting to play them, and we wanted this to happen faster. We think these changes will make the game more accessible and more fun in general! 

  • The starting deck has 5 Coal (down from 7).
  • The MAX for all cards is 5 copies (down from 7).
  • Bank is now available to all players.

We received feedback from the community that having different cards from your enemy in PvP doesn't feel fair. We believe this is how Tuggowar is the most fun, but we will let you decide what feels best to you!

Mirror Mode takes a more prominent role and is the default for new players, in Mirror Mode...

  • You play with the exact same starting Shop as your Enemy.
  • Each Tier has 4 cards instead of 3. 
  • When one player has Mirror Mode on and the other doesn't, it will be 50/50. 

Finally, Field Howitzer is renamed to Rocketeer and got a new look!

Want to discuss these changes? Join our Discord.

Got questions? Check out the Wiki.

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